Monday, February 13, 2012

"O Che Sciagura D'essere Senza Coglioni!"

Who is there to speak about the crude truth of war? Who is there with a strong voice to speak about it? Not many alive can ever speak of this, because no one will ever know what it is like.  Only those who have lived it, can talk about it. War is a crude topic, it reveals mens true ambitions and desires. It exemplifies men as a ravishing but blood and gold thirsted creature, it shows men's true and dark side.

"They fought like lions, tigers and serpents of their country to decide who should have us...Almost all our women were immediately disputed in the same fashion by four soldiers a piece..In the end I saw my mother and all our Italian ladies torn limb from limb, then slashed, and massacred by the monsters that fought for them. All were killed, both captors and captives, my companions, the soldiers, sailors, blacks, whites, and mulattoes, and finally my pirate chief; and I myself lay dying on a heap of corpses...Scene such as these took place all over that country..."(Pg. 52)

After a scenery such as that, after one has lost everything, pride included, the question of  why should one live arises. What would be the reason to keep on living a precarious life, one full of uncertainties and tormet, not knowing if one shall live the day after. Why live if there is nothing to loose because everything has already been lost? That, are the questions without answers that war makes, war makes people suffer, even if it is for a good cause, war is a selfish act were people let many others die and  let their lives be destroyed for ones own pleasure.

"I have grown old (with only half a behind) in misery and shame but I have never forgotten that I am the daughter of a Pope. I have wanted to kill myself a hundred times, but somehow I am still in love with life...I have met  a vast number of people who detested their existence, but I have met only twelve who have voluntarily put an end to their misery..."  (Pg. 57)   Not unexpected, Candide surprises the reader once more. By being a satirical novel one would think that this book would be the contrary of good and optimistic, as its ironic title implies, but instead it is a story about misery, loss and suffering, in which their characters are the contrary of pessimistic in those situations,  when they should be, but are rather positive and hopeful.

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