Monday, February 13, 2012

Ingenuous or Ingenious

Truthfully, I don't know what to think about Candide's actions. In this satirical novel, Candide has been portrayed as a naive character, not being at all street smart.  By depicting him as innocent young boy, Voltaire succeeds in making the reader unconsciously think that any word other than naive and its derivates would be amiss in describing him. Basically, Volataire  is tricking the reader into not  thinking otherwise. However, what I hand't realized up until that moment, was that the fact of Candide being naive, didn't exactly mean that he wasn't smart, at all clever.  However, it seems like has proved me all wrong. 

"He entered, and saw before him the man whom he had had flogged, with a sword in his hand, and dead body and lying on the floor, CunĂ©gonde frightened out her wits, and the old woman offering advice...Candide made up his mind in an instant...His reflections were clear and rapid; and without giving the inquisitor time to recover from his surprise, he ran him through and laid him beside the israelite..." (Pg. 45)  In a situation such a that one, I would expect that someone as gullible as Candide would not react in such way when facing a situation as dangerous such as being found by a Cardinal Inquisitor, and plainly proceding to kill him. Much less, to come to a conclusion which in fact deceives lady CunĂ©gode "Dearest lady, a jealous man in love doesn't know what he's doing, especially if he has been whipped by the inquisition" (Pg. 46) 

This only amazes the reader and makes him ponder about Candide. It makes us believe that Voltaire has played a trick on the reader, making him wonder that if someone as surprisingly innocent as Candide, can be that clever in pressuring situations like that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Juli,

    When I read this blog, in the beginning I thought "Um no. She is wrong." Reading your examples completely changed my mind. He isn't completely 100% retarded (even though he does make the reader frustrated by his stupidity). By reading this I have changed my opinion on his character and who he might really be. I would work on your grammar like apostrophes, abbreviations, etc. They were just a couple of mistakes here and there. I really enjoyed reading this blog!
