Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Invisible Words

Ephemeral (Pg. 111)
Adjective. Short Lived, Lasting a very short time

Carats (Pg. 112) 
Noun. A unit of weight for gemstones, 1 Carat = 200 milligrams

Opulence (Pg. 114)
Noun. Wealth, Riches abundance

Gulley or Gully (Pg. 124) 
Noun. Channel or small valley

Concentric (Pg. 129) 
Adjective. That has a common center as in spirals and spheres. 

Benevolent(Pg. 135) 
Adjective. Desire of helping others, expressing goodwill and kindness

Medlars (Pg. 146)
Noun. a small tree, of the rose family. Its fruit resembles a crab apple. 

Mangy (Pg. 153)
Adjective. squalid, shabby, mean 

Menace ( Pg. 164) 
Noun. something or someone who is considered threat (Harmful, injury, evil or dangerous). An extremely annoying person.

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